Part one:
from wikipedia:
Dialectical materialism was inspired by dialectic and materialist philosophical traditions. The main idea of dialectical materialism lies in the concept of the evolution of the natural world and the emergence of new qualities of being at new stages of evolution. . . . the higher level of existence emerges from and has its roots in the lower; that the higher level constitutes a new order of being with its irreducible laws; and that this process of evolutionary advance is governed by laws of development which reflect basic properties of 'matter in motion as a whole'."[3]
The concept of dialectic (as a unity of opposites) existed in the philosophy of Heraclitus of Ephesus, who proposed that everything is in constant change, as a result of inner strife and opposition.[8][9][10] Hence, the history of the dialectical method is the history of philosophy.[11]
Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that all phenomena, including mental phenomena and consciousness, are rooted in material interactions.
Nemetics encodes material interactions as Neme Exchange. The important characteristic of a Neme is that if can be quantized in the service of analysis. Once quantified it can be measured. Once measured it can be managed. Note: managed, not controlled.
Every neme exchange has three components. The affective component is coded as the EmoWave. The Cognitive Component is coded as the CogWave. The Material component is coded as the PhysWave.
EmoWaves and CogWaves are not directly observable, either in an individual or society as whole. Both waves are made visible through when they manifest in the PhysWave. Examples include books, movies, letters, bookeeping records, folk songs. The visibles of the Cog Wave is the use of language.
Printers manufacture books,newspapers, newsletters and posters.
It was about Print and Distribute and Desktop Publishing
Now, it is about Distribute and Print and Printernet Publishing.
It was always about Print's ability to fix information in time and make it available in human space.
Print is a persistent neme that triggers cascades of emotion and cognition.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
NJournal 14.1 A Central Theorem for Nemetics?
Nemetics is a context, content, scale agnostic theory which has a rigorous ontology and a method to use big data to improve the effectiveness of interventions. It can be used to analyze the problem at hand and act as a guide for slow, small, steady interventions. ΔHnP is a measure of homeostasis of every complex adaptive system.
In natural language. Change in the homeostasis of any system is proportional to changes in the communication flow within changes in constraints. A dynamic equilibrium will emerge if free flowing communication increases within appropriate constraints. The constraints are critical because as communication moves to greater freedom, turbulence is more likely. The constraints have to accommodate moving from turbulence to innovation. Since changes in technology and demography lead to ever changing constraints, the constraints must be managed. So then:
"A dynamical system has a high homeostatic capacity if it is able to maintain its dynamics close to a certain state or states (attractors). As explained above, when perturbations or environmental changes occur, the system adapts to face the changes within the viability zone, that is, without the system “breaking” (Ashby, 1947a). Homeostasis can be seen as a dynamic process of self-regulation and adaptation by which systems adapt their behavior over time (Williams, 2006)." HnP = Homeostasis of a system. Let nX = frequency of communication ( Neme Exchange ) Let C = constraints F and R are constants.
ΔHnP ∝ F (ΔK (nX ) + ΔR(C))
In natural language. Change in the homeostasis of any system is proportional to changes in the communication flow within changes in constraints. A dynamic equilibrium will emerge if free flowing communication increases within appropriate constraints. The constraints are critical because as communication moves to greater freedom, turbulence is more likely. The constraints have to accommodate moving from turbulence to innovation. Since changes in technology and demography lead to ever changing constraints, the constraints must be managed. So then:
Let LnP = learner
Let next outer sphere- families and peers = nPlx1 .
Let next outer sphere- families and peers = nPlx1 .
Let the next outer sphere - school or job = nPlx2 .
Let the next outer sphere - job market = nPlx3.
@ is an operator that means “nested in.”
@ is an operator that means “nested in.”
The situation is
LnP @nPlx1 .@nPlx2 @nPlx3.
So then:
The Learner lives with four dynamics.
Let ILnP = the Intent of the Learner
Let EmNp = the emotion component of the Learner.
Let CoNp = the cognitive component of the Learner.
Let PhNp = the physical component of the Learner.
Each component is said to oscillate to create waves of Intent, Emotion, Cognition within the constraints of the oscillations of of changes in the Physical wave. When the Waves of Emotion Wave, Cognition Wave and the Physical Wave are in synch, the probability increases of the emergence of an engaged learner who can realize her Intent
Let CoNp = the cognitive component of the Learner.
Let PhNp = the physical component of the Learner.
Each component is said to oscillate to create waves of Intent, Emotion, Cognition within the constraints of the oscillations of of changes in the Physical wave. When the Waves of Emotion Wave, Cognition Wave and the Physical Wave are in synch, the probability increases of the emergence of an engaged learner who can realize her Intent
An engaged learner can realize her Intent
when the Waves of Intent, Emotion, Cognition and the Physical are in sync.