Saturday, January 30, 2016

NJournal 13.Nemetic analysis of Donald Trump

When observing a Nation State from the outside it looks like a neme. When observing a Nation State from the inside it looks like nemPlexity. Every nemPlexity is a connected collection of folded nTubes. In side the nTubes are connection folded nStrings.

To understand the American elections try to see we have numbers of different folded nTubes. The media talks about the "Tea Party" or "Religious Conservatives."That is the wrong label. The right label would have 3 different nTubes. One is right wing populism. Another are Protestant evangelicals. A third is mindful Conservatives which is the traditional Republican establishment.

Since Obama was elected, the politicians in Congress have synchronized all the nTubes with their Intent of winning power. Once the Republican establishment won control of the House of Representatives, the establishment had to disentangle themselves from the right wing populists and the evangelicals. They are no longer necessary to get power.

The National Review, an organ of Republican Conservatives founded by William Buckley, has come out strongly against Donald Trump. The Koch brothers said in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal that cannot support either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.

Trump-like and Cruz-like were inevitable. Each is bringing coherence to different nTubes. It is likely the fault lines will lead to tectonic change. The Republican party of the last twenty years is has reached a non linear state change. Sooner or later they will come to a new equilibrium. My best guess is that it will take between 1 and 2 election cycles, from 4 to 8 years from 2016.

NJournal 12:0 The Nemetic Process

A molecule is a member of the set of Nemes.

It is suggested you watch with no sound.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Njournal 11 Emergence in NemPlexity

nPlx is Nemetic Code for nemPlexity which codes to "pockets of Complexity." and also codes Assemblage. 

        Manuel DeLanda.
Assemblage Theory, Society, and Deleuze. 2011


The Process 
The nPlx is the space in which multiple nStr can be recombined to create a new Neme. 
With Exchange the new Neme will tend to create a positive feedback loop.

+ Nemes emitted >>> + nStrings >>> +  NTubes >>> + nPlx >>> + Nemes emitted >> + nStrings >>> +  NTubes >> + nPlx >>>+ Nemes emitted  . . .

The shape of constraints can augment or disrupt the positive feedback loop. 
The pattern of constraints are the source of negative feedback.

Constraints represented as [   ]
Constraints A [ + or -  Nemes emitted >>> + or -  nStrings >>> + or -   NTubes >>> + or -  nPlx >>> + or - Nemes emitted >> . . . ]        The workings of positive and negative loops result in a dynamic equilibrium. 

Emergence is the appearance of a new dynamic equilibrium.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

NJournal 10. The Structure of a Neme

The Structure of a Neme 

image courtesy +Daniel Durrant 

The labels as written are built on the work of +Mark Frazier 

Nemetic translation
The nodes of each triangle are coded as 
Notice. Engage. Exchange. 

Mull is in the interior spaces enclosed  
by the edges created by the rods and strings.