Thursday, March 12, 2009

If you ignore the blahblah-o-sphere, Print is doing fine

Print was a monopoly market. Some publishing companies took on too much debt. But a lot of private companies didn't.
ATT used to be a monopoly market. Verison, Bell South, and the other Baby Bells are doing pretty well.

It's worth the click to read the whole story @MediaPost Today 03/12/2009:
"Other survey findings:

* 29% of respondents say a news website is the most indispensable news source, while 18% select print newspapers and 16% cite online newspapers
* 55% say they look at a printed newspaper each day, 53% subscribe to a print newspaper, and 83% say newspapers are still relevant
* 30% say news websites are their top source for updates, and 66% say that websites are among their daily news sources
* 65% of respondents find weekly news magazines relevant
* 29% of respondents read blogs multiple times a day, 8% read them once a week, 37% read them occasionally and 37% never read them
* 60% of respondents believe the information on blogs is not credible"


  1. I am a firm believer of print's place in the marketing mix -- but have to point out the inadequate sample size of this survey (316 respondents, ages 12-75) ... PublicAgenda.Org gives a clear and concise overview of how to interpret this data knowing the sample size (
