Wednesday, January 13, 2016

NJournal Notes 3.0 - Towards Notation for Living Systems

NEME = a quanta of information or energy.

Let neme = nP

nP can denote a book, a movie, a youtube video, a carbon atom, a joule, a speech act, a gesture, a tweet, a comment at Facebook or LI, etc.

Let nPx = the exchange of nP To denote exchange of Ego's nP with Alter's nP .
EnP <==> AnP

In general
nPx < == > nPx < == > nPx < == >nPx < == > nPx ..... = nSt ( nString )

nSt < == > nSt < = = > nSt < = = > nSt < = = > nSt ..... = nTu (nTube)


Neme = nP has a physical, cognitive, emotional component.

nPhys = physical component 
nCog = congnitive component nEmo = emotional componenet

Internal structure of an Np is denoted by 
( nCog ) ( nEmo ) ( nPhys ) = nP A possible next step to use the notation of organic chemistry.

In =nP=nP=nP=nP=nP=nP= substitute "=nP= " with the notation for a Carbon atom =C=
which results in 


The notion is we will be able to produce pictures that look like..


from  Drawing organic structures

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